

OEB at a Forum on Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

The Cyprus Employers & Industrialists Federation (OEB) participated to the Forum organized by the Gender Equality in Employment and Vocational Training Committee, on Sexual Harassment in the Workplace, held on Wednesday 28 June 2017 in...

European Youth Employment Conference: OEB Presented the Actions Implemented in Cyprus

The Cyprus Employers & Industrialists Federation (OEB) participated to the European conference on “The Framework of Actions on Youth Employment – Achievements and Challenges Ahead”. The conference was co-organized by the European Employers and Trade...

Memorandum of Understaning: OEB – Cyprus University of Technology (TEPAK)

The Cyprus Employers & Industrialists Federation (OEB) and the Cyprus University of Technology (TEPAK) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding aiming to support, strengthen and develop entrepreneurship in Cyprus. This cooperation is expected to strengthen the...

OEB bids farewell to former Chairman, Renos Solomides

The Cyprus Employers & Industrialists Federation (OEB), the Chairman, the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee, the Director General and the secretariat express their deep sorrow for the loss of Renos Solomides, former Chairman of...

OEB: New era for the Cyprus Shipping industry

The Cyprus Employers and Industrialists Federation (OEB) is pleased to welcome the unanimous vote by the Parliament of the Legislation on the establishment of a Deputy Ministry of Shipping. The establishment of the Deputy Ministry will...

OEB: Brexit should be a gentlemen’s agreement

r Chris Taylor, Head of FTA Ratification and Parliamentary Scrutiny, EU Trade Team at Department for International Trade (DIT) United Kingdom had a meeting with Mr Antonis Frangoudis, Director of OEB’s Business Development and Ecomonic...

The Intervention of DG OEB to Michel Barnier for Brexit – Main article in the British newspaper Express

The intervention of the Director General of the Cyprus Employers & Industrialists Federation (OEB) Mr Michalis Antoniou to Mr Michel Barnier, European Chief Negotiator for Brexit, was the subject of an article in the British newspaper...

New law and regulations on undeclared work

A new Law as well as new Regulations were recently voted by Parliament in relation to undeclared work. The law and the regulations provide, not exclusively, for severe penalties in cases where undeclared work is...

Lecture on the Energy Efficiency: Studies, Planning and Developments

In the framework of the energy and environmental lectures organized by OEB, on Wednesday 21 June 2017, at the headquarters of OEB, the topic “Energy Efficiency: Studies, Planning and Developments” was presented. The guest lecturers...

OEB represents Cypriot Employers at the International Labour Conference 2017

The Cyprus Employers & Industrialists Federation (OEB) represented Cypriot Employers at the Annual Conference of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), which was held in Geneva, from the 5th to 16th of June 2017. One of the...
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