European Strategy for the Single Digital Market

The European Commission recently announced the results of the mid-term review of the Digital Single Market Strategy. The strategy review identifies three main areas where further EU action is needed:

– To develop the European Digital Economy to its full potential.

– To address cybersecurity challenges.

– To promote online platforms.

The Single Digital Market aims to remove the various barriers so that businesses and EU citizens be able to use the new technologies and tools for their benefit. The Single Digital Market is one of the most important priorities of the President of the European Commission, Juncker, which is estimated to contribute annually €415 billion to the European economy and create thousands of new jobs.

Through the kicked off the Single Digital Market in 2015, it was possible to abolish Roaming Charges from 15 June 2017 for all citizens traveling to EU countries. Also, through other Commission’s initiatives, like “Portability of Content” will enable European citizens to freely use online subscription services (Eg music, movies, etc.) in all EU countries. The frequency of 700 MHz will also be promoted for the development of 5G networks by 2020.

The Cyprus Employers and Industrialists Federation (OEB) is in constant contact with BusinessEurope, the European Employers’ Organization, aiming at providing more comprehensive information to the business community and in particular timely preparation and gradual compliance with the new requirements imposed by new technologies (The Internet of Things, Big Data Analytics, Cloud, etc.) and the ever-changing business environment.

EU Press Release

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